Fall for Pottery Classes

Do you want to learn pottery? Or do you want a chance to play with clay? Come join my outdoor pottery class. Autumn and halloween themed projects covering the most popular hand-building techniques – perfect for beginners, and fun for those with pottery experience.

Limited to 5 participants for each session, these classes will be held outdoors in front of the Vancouver Art Gallery – where there are lots of socially distanced picnic tables to work on. If it rains we will duck into the covered area or go under Robson Square on the other side of the VAG. Everyone will need to dress for the weather.

Five Saturdays in October 

1:00 – 3:00 pm, ages 13-17

3:30 – 5:30 pm, adults

$150 per person for 5 classes and all materials and tools

Email ilenaleepottery@gmail.com to register

Class 1 – Oct 3 Pinch pot: pumpkin jack-o-lanterns, monsters

Class 2 – Oct 10 Slab dishes: autumn leaves

Class 3 – Oct 17 Coil pots: tea light warmers, cauldrons

Class 4 – Oct 24 Slab construction: spell boxes

Class 5 – Oct 31 Finish up any work still in process, wrap up, and party!

Each participant will receive their own kit containing basic tools and a portable work surface to use during the 5 week course. Once I hand this over to you, these will be yours to work with, clean, and put back into a bag I will provide for you – ensuring no one will touch your tools but you! I will bring, take away and store the kits each class, so you will not need to carry these things. The clay will also be pre-portioned for you each class. Soap, water, sanitizer and surface wipes will all be provided for on-site. Each participant will be required to wear a mask.

About the Instructor – Ilena Lee:

I first learned to love pottery in grade school, and continued studying ceramics through University. I have participated in workshops to build Anagama Kilns in Alaska, and learned traditional handbuilding techniques in Mexico. I am a member of the Kensington Pottery Club and the Fraser Valley Potters Association.

For a number of years I have been teaching Pottery for Teens at Kensington community Centre in Vancouver. I was slated to teach pottery at a summer day camp for pre-teens this past summer. I also teach workshops for adults on urban pit fireing techniques. Later this winter I will be running a workshop on finding and processing wild clay right here in Vancouver.

I am a big proponent of the K.I.S.S. principle (Keep it simple, silly). Pottery does not need to be complicated. It has been being made for thousands of years with little more than some dirt and a fire. I believe that the simplest of processes can produce some of the most beautiful pottery.

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